Thank you for your interest in visiting the Las Vegas Meditation Group! We are composed of members and friends of Self-Realization Fellowship. We have various activities throughout the week and month including meditation services, a reading service, along with other special events/services throughout the year.
All are welcome to attend! You do not need any background in meditation to attend our services. There will be someone to greet you when you arrive. There is nothing required from your end, except coming and enjoying the meditation.
We will make an effort to greet you after the Service. And if you see people talking in groups after services, please join in -- you will always be welcome.
Your First Visit
Our Sunday Reading Service (11 a.m. to noon) is the most recommended service for newcomers. It includes shorter meditations that will help to prepare you for the longer stretches of stillness required in the meditation services held on Sundays at 10 a.m., as well as the Saturday services.
We meditate with eyes closed, seated on chairs. There is no need to bring any accessories. If you have no experience with a definite technique of meditation, simply talk to God in the language of your heart and ask Him to reveal Himself.
Those interested in learning the SRF techniques of meditation are encouraged to sign up for the SRF Lessons, or visit this site for an excellent introductory video series and basic meditation instruction.
To meditate in the chapel, you must be at least 12 years old.
What to Expect at Our Weekly Services
The Sunday Meditation Service (10:00 a.m.) includes prayers, chanting, and approximately 40 minutes of meditation.
The one hour Sunday Reading Service (11:00 a.m.) includes periods of prayers, affirmations, chanting, brief meditations, and readings from Paramahansa Yogananda. We conclude with a voluntary offertory that helps us to meet the expenses of our meetings, and a prayer for worldwide healing.
The extended meditation on Saturday (9:00am) includes, prayers, chanting, and longer periods of meditation. On Saturday, meditation is preceded by group SRF Energization exercises.
Please see Attending a LVMG Service for meditation guidelines and general service etiquette.
All services are led by various lay members of our local group.
Other Group Events
Our group also has opportunities to interact with each other in more informal social settings.
We regularly have a vegetarian potluck Social where people can gather in a fun and social atmosphere while harvesting the blessings of spiritual fellowship.
Volunteering in a particular area or joining us for our monthly Day of Service is also a great way to meet other devotees.
During the year, we also have occasional events such as movie night, India Night, and visits from SRF monastics.
Completely New to SRF?
Several links under this site’s “About SRF” heading will give you an introduction to SRF and Paramahansa Yogananda. Many are introduced to SRF through Autobiography of a Yogi, or one of his many collected talks and essays such as Man’s Eternal Quest. We invite you to explore our book room, or the SRF bookstore online.
The SRF Lessons are the vital core of Paramahansa Yogananda's teachings. Mailed weekly from our international headquarters (known as “Mother Center”) in Los Angeles, California, they are offered at a nominal cost (mainly to cover cost of printing and shipping), and available to all. In addition to teaching advanced, scientific meditation techniques such as Kriya Yoga, they cover many topics such as recharging the body with cosmic energy, concentration, and are filled with practical “how-to-live” wisdom to help create harmony and success in all areas of life. Applications for the Lessons may be obtained in our book room; you may also sign up online or by calling the Mother Center at (323) 225-2471.
Please feel free to explore the rest of our web site, and if you have any questions, let us know. We look forward to seeing you.
Thank you for your interest in visiting the Las Vegas Meditation Group! We are composed of members and friends of Self-Realization Fellowship. We have various activities throughout the week and month including meditation services, a reading service, along with other special events/services throughout the year.
All are welcome to attend! You do not need any background in meditation to attend our services. There will be someone to greet you when you arrive. There is nothing required from your end, except coming and enjoying the meditation.
We will make an effort to greet you after the Service. And if you see people talking in groups after services, please join in -- you will always be welcome.
Your First Visit
Our Sunday Reading Service (11 a.m. to noon) is the most recommended service for newcomers. It includes shorter meditations that will help to prepare you for the longer stretches of stillness required in the meditation services held on Sundays at 10 a.m., as well as the Saturday services.
We meditate with eyes closed, seated on chairs. There is no need to bring any accessories. If you have no experience with a definite technique of meditation, simply talk to God in the language of your heart and ask Him to reveal Himself.
Those interested in learning the SRF techniques of meditation are encouraged to sign up for the SRF Lessons, or visit this site for an excellent introductory video series and basic meditation instruction.
To meditate in the chapel, you must be at least 12 years old.
What to Expect at Our Weekly Services
The Sunday Meditation Service (10:00 a.m.) includes prayers, chanting, and approximately 40 minutes of meditation.
The one hour Sunday Reading Service (11:00 a.m.) includes periods of prayers, affirmations, chanting, brief meditations, and readings from Paramahansa Yogananda. We conclude with a voluntary offertory that helps us to meet the expenses of our meetings, and a prayer for worldwide healing.
The extended meditation on Saturday (9:00am) includes, prayers, chanting, and longer periods of meditation. On Saturday, meditation is preceded by group SRF Energization exercises.
Please see Attending a LVMG Service for meditation guidelines and general service etiquette.
All services are led by various lay members of our local group.
Other Group Events
Our group also has opportunities to interact with each other in more informal social settings.
We regularly have a vegetarian potluck Social where people can gather in a fun and social atmosphere while harvesting the blessings of spiritual fellowship.
Volunteering in a particular area or joining us for our monthly Day of Service is also a great way to meet other devotees.
During the year, we also have occasional events such as movie night, India Night, and visits from SRF monastics.
Completely New to SRF?
Several links under this site’s “About SRF” heading will give you an introduction to SRF and Paramahansa Yogananda. Many are introduced to SRF through Autobiography of a Yogi, or one of his many collected talks and essays such as Man’s Eternal Quest. We invite you to explore our book room, or the SRF bookstore online.
The SRF Lessons are the vital core of Paramahansa Yogananda's teachings. Mailed weekly from our international headquarters (known as “Mother Center”) in Los Angeles, California, they are offered at a nominal cost (mainly to cover cost of printing and shipping), and available to all. In addition to teaching advanced, scientific meditation techniques such as Kriya Yoga, they cover many topics such as recharging the body with cosmic energy, concentration, and are filled with practical “how-to-live” wisdom to help create harmony and success in all areas of life. Applications for the Lessons may be obtained in our book room; you may also sign up online or by calling the Mother Center at (323) 225-2471.
Please feel free to explore the rest of our web site, and if you have any questions, let us know. We look forward to seeing you.